Mary Spey
- Research Scientist II
Email: mspey01@unm.edu
- B.S. (Environmental Studies--GIS), State University of New York (SUNY)
- A.S. (Computer Science and Programming), Grossmont Community College, San Diego
- Web Design and Programming Certificate, Kansas City Kansas Community College
- Geographical Information Technology Certificate (in progress), Central New Mexico Community College
Mary has been working full time for Geospatial and Population Studies since April 2012. As of early 2018, she edits the New Mexico interstate, highway, and intersection base map for better improved crash results on ramps, highways, and intersections for crashes in the state of New Mexico. Mary geocodes the crash locations and updates and maintains the base maps, resulting in a more accurate and complete crash location database.
She also analyzes and edits the traffic crash database using SAS and SQL, updates the monthly Fatallog file and fatalities web page, and provides quarterly fatality and injury reports and responds to public and private data requests.Mary also helps ensure that private contracts with Carfax and Experian are satisfied. She helped reorganize the new Traffic Safety Division’s Uniform Crash Report data entry endeavor.
Before her work with TRU, she worked for its earlier incarnation, the Division of Government Research, since March 2008, on an on-call basis, as a GIS Technician. She edited and updated county and city base maps for the New Mexico Traffic Safety Bureau, in order to better correlate crash descriptions with street definitions, and extract and analyze traffic data on intersection and mile-posted crashes using SAS.