Traffic Crash Data Reports

Table 1: Alcohol-involved Crashes, 2021
Table 2: Alcohol-involved Crashes, 2012 - 2021
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Fatal Crashes, 2012 - 2021
Figure 1: Total Fatal Crashes and Alcohol-involved Fatal Crashes, 2012 - 2021
Figure 2: Alcohol-involved Total and Fatal Crashes, 2012 - 2021
Table 4: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity, 2012 - 2021
Table 5: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Severity of Injury, 2012 - 2021
Figure 3: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Severity of Injury, 2012 - 2021
Table 6: People Injured in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Type of Injury, 2012 - 2021
Figure 4: People Injured in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Type of Injury, 2012 - 2021
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by County, 2017 - 2021
Table 8: Ranking and Rates of Alcohol-involved Crashes by County, 2017 - 2021
Table 9: Alcohol-involved Fatal Crashes by County, 2017 - 2021
Table 10: Ranking and Rates of Alcohol-involved Fatal Crashes by County, 2017 - 2021
Table 11: Top-Ranking Cities for Alcohol-involved Crashes, 2017 - 2021
Table 12: Top-Ranking Cities for Alcohol-involved Fatal Crashes, 2017 - 2021
Table 13: Alcohol-involved Crashes and Number of People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Road System, 2021
Table 14: Alcohol-involved Injury Crashes and Number of People Injured by Road System, 2021
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Fatal Crashes and Number of People Killed by Road System, 2021
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Crashes and Fatalities by First Harmful Event and Road System, 2021
Table 17: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Light Condition and Road System, 2021
Table 18: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month and Crash Severity, 2021
Figure 5: Percentage of Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month, 2021
Table 19: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Day of the Week and Crash Severity, 2021
Figure 6: Percentage of Alcohol-involved Crashes by Day of the Week, 2021
Table 20: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Day of the Week and Three-hour Segments, 2021
Figure 7: Percentage of Alcohol-involved Crashes by Three-hour Segments, 2021
Table 21: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour and Day of the Week, 2021
Figure 8: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour, 2021
Table 22: Alcohol-involved Crashes by First Harmful Event and Crash Severity, 2021
Table 23: Alcohol-involved Crashes by First Harmful Event (FHE), FHE Subanalysis, and Crash Severity, 2021
Table 24: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by First Harmful Event (FHE), FHE Subanalysis, and Severity of Injury, 2021
Table 25: Alcohol-involved Crashes by First Harmful Event (FHE) and FHE Subanalysis, 2017 - 2021
Table 26: Alcohol-involved Crashes by First Harmful Event Relative Direction of Travel and Crash Severity, 2021
Table 27: Alcohol-involved Crashes by First Harmful Event Manner of Impact and Crash Severity, 2021
Table 28: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Number of Vehicles Involved and Crash Severity, 2021
Table 29: People in Alcohol-involved in Crashes by Number of Vehicles Involved, 2021
Table 30: Alcohol-involved Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Crash Severity, 2021
Table 31: Alcohol-involved Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Severity of Injury, 2021
Table 32: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age, 2017 - 2021
Table 33: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age and Sex, 2021
Figure 9: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age and Sex, 2021
Table 34: Fatalities in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age and Sex, 2021
Figure 10: Fatalities in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age and Sex, 2021
Table 35: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age and Severity of Injury, 2021
Figure 11: Percentage of People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group, 2021
Table 36: Teens (15-19) in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Severity of Injury, 2021
Table 37: Alcohol-involved Teen Drivers (15-19) in Crashes by Crash Severity, 2012 - 2021
Figure 12: Alcohol-involved Teen Drivers (15-19) in Crashes, 2012 - 2021
Table 38: Alcohol-involved Teen Drivers (15-19) in Crashes by Sex, 2012 - 2021
Figure 13: Alcohol-involved Teen Drivers (15-19) in Crashes by Sex, 2012 - 2021
Table 39: Alcohol-involved Teen Drivers (15-19) in Crashes by Hour, 2021
Table 40: Young Adults (20-24) in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Severity of Injury, 2021
Table 41: Alcohol-involved Young Adult Drivers (20-24) in Crashes by Severity, 2012 - 2021
Figure 14: Alcohol-involved Young Adult Drivers (20-24) in Crashes, 2012 - 2021
Table 42: Alcohol-involved Young Adult Drivers (20-24) in Crashes by Sex, 2012 - 2021
Figure 15: Alcohol-involved Young Adult Drivers (20-24) in Crashes by Sex, 2012 - 2021
Table 43: Alcohol-involved Young Adult Drivers (20-24) in Crashes by Hour, 2021
Table 44: Alcohol-involved Motorcycle Crashes, 2021
Table 45: Alcohol-involved Motorcycle Crashes by Crash Severity, 2021
Table 46: Alcohol-involved Motorcycle Crashes, 2012 - 2021
Table 47: Top-Ranking Counties for Alcohol-involved Motorcycle Crashes, 2017 - 2021
Table 48: Alcohol-involved Motorcycle Driver Crash Rates, 2017 - 2021
Figure 16: Percentage of Alcohol-involved Motorcycle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group, 2021
Table 49: Alcohol-involved Motorcycle Drivers in Crashes by Age and Sex, 2021
Figure 17: Alcohol-involved Motorcycle Drivers in Crashes by Age and Sex, 2021
Table 50: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Pedestrian Involvement, 2021
Table 51: Alcohol-involved Pedestrian Crashes by Crash Severity, 2021
Table 52: Alcohol-involved Pedestrian Crashes, 2012 - 2021
Figure 18: Alcohol-involved Pedestrian Crashes, 2012 - 2021
Table 53: Ranking and Rates of Alcohol-involved Pedestrian Crashes by County, 2017 - 2021
Table 54: Pedestrians in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement, 2017 - 2021
Table 55: Pedestrian Fatalities in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement, 2017 - 2021
Table 56: Alcohol-involved Pedestrians in Crashes by Severity of Injury, 2017 - 2021
Figure 19: Percentage of Alcohol-involved Pedestrians in Crashes by Age, 2021
Table 57: Alcohol-involved Pedestrians in Crashes by Age and Sex, 2021
Table 58: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Pedalcycle Involvement, 2021
Table 59: Alcohol-involved Pedalcycle Crashes by Crash Severity, 2021
Table 60: Alcohol-involved Pedalcycle Crashes, 2012 - 2021
Figure 20: Alcohol-involved Pedalcycle Crashes, 2012 - 2021
Table 61: Top-Ranking Counties for Alcohol-involved Pedalcycle Crashes, 2017 - 2021
Table 62: Pedalcycle Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement, 2017 - 2021
Table 63: Alcohol-involved Pedalcycle Operators in Crashes by Age and Sex, 2021
Figure 21: Alcohol-involved Pedalcycle Operators in Crashes by Age Group, 2021
Table 64: Alcohol-involved Drivers in Crashes by Sex, 2021
Figure 22: Percentage and Rate of Alcohol-involved Drivers in Crashes by Age Group, 2021
Figure 23: Alcohol-involved Drivers in Crashes by Age and Sex, 2021
Table 65: Alcohol-involved Drivers in Crashes by Age and Sex, 2021
Figure 24: Alcohol-involved Drivers in Crashes by Age Group, 2021
Table 66: Alcohol-involved Drivers in Crashes by Age Group, 2012 - 2021
Table 67: Alcohol-involved Drivers in Crashes by License Type and Residence, 2021
Table 68: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Sex and Seat Position, 2021
Table 69: Victims of Alcohol-involved Crashes, 2021
Table 70: Unbelted Fatalities in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age and Sex, 2021
Table 71: DWI Arrests by County, 2017 - 2021
Table 72: DWI Arrests by City, 2017 - 2021
Table 73: DWI Arrests by Age and Sex, 2021
Figure 25: DWI Arrests by Age and Sex, 2021
Table 74: Number of Drivers Arrested for a DWI by Age, 2017 - 2021
Figure 26: Number of Drivers Arrested for DWI, 2017 - 2021
Table 75: DWI Convictions by County, 2017 - 2021
Table 76: Ranking and Rates of DWI Convictions by County, 2017 - 2021
Table 77: Number of Drivers with a First DWI Conviction, 2017 - 2021
Table 78: First DWI Convictions by Age and Sex, 2021
Figure 27: First DWI Convictions by Age and Sex, 2021
Table 79: Repeat DWI Convictions by County, 2017 - 2021
Table 80: Drivers Convicted of a Repeat DWI by Age, 2017 - 2021
Figure 28: Drivers Convicted of a Repeat DWI, 2017 - 2021
Table 81: Repeat DWI Convictions by Age and Sex, 2021
Figure 29: Repeat DWI Convictions by Age and Sex, 2021
Table 82: Disposition of DWI Arrests by County, 2021
Figure 30: Range of BAC Test Results in DWI Arrests, 2021
Figure 31: Number of BAC Test Refusals and Percentage of BAC Test Refusals, 2012 - 2021
Table 83: Rate Denominators: Population, Vehicle Miles Traveled, Licensed Drivers, and Motor Vehicle Registrations, 2012 - 2021
Table 84: Alcohol-involved Crash Rates, 2012 - 2021
Figure 32: Alcohol-involved Crash Rates (Population and VMT), 2012 - 2021
Table 85: Alcohol-involved Fatal Crash Rates, 2012 - 2021
Figure 33: Alcohol-involved Fatal Crash Rates (Population and VMT), 2012 - 2021
Table 86: Alcohol-involved Fatality Rates, 2012 - 2021
Figure 34: Alcohol-involved Fatality Rates (Population and VMT), 2012 - 2021
Table 87: Human Capital Cost Estimates for Alcohol-involved Crashes, 2018 Adjusted, 2021
Table 88: Comprehensive Cost Estimates for Alcohol-involved Crashes, 2018 Adjusted, 2021
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests


NMDOT crash data is protected by federal mandate Title 23 U.S.C. Section 409 which forbids the discovery and admission into evidence of reports, data, or other information compiled or collected for activities required pursuant to federal highway safety programs, or for the purpose of developing any highway safety construction improvement project, which may be implemented utilizing federal-aid highway funds, in tort litigation arising from occurrences at the locations addressed in such documents or data.