Traffic Crash Data Reports
Table 2: Alcohol-involved Crashes, 2012 - 2021
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Fatal Crashes, 2012 - 2021
Figure 1: Total Fatal Crashes and Alcohol-involved Fatal Crashes, 2012 - 2021
Figure 2: Alcohol-involved Total and Fatal Crashes, 2012 - 2021
Table 4: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity, 2012 - 2021
Table 5: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Severity of Injury, 2012 - 2021
Figure 3: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Severity of Injury, 2012 - 2021
Table 6: People Injured in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Type of Injury, 2012 - 2021
Figure 4: People Injured in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Type of Injury, 2012 - 2021
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by County, 2017 - 2021
Table 8: Ranking and Rates of Alcohol-involved Crashes by County, 2017 - 2021
Table 9: Alcohol-involved Fatal Crashes by County, 2017 - 2021
Table 10: Ranking and Rates of Alcohol-involved Fatal Crashes by County, 2017 - 2021
Table 11: Top-Ranking Cities for Alcohol-involved Crashes, 2017 - 2021
Table 12: Top-Ranking Cities for Alcohol-involved Fatal Crashes, 2017 - 2021
Table 13: Alcohol-involved Crashes and Number of People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Road System, 2021
Table 14: Alcohol-involved Injury Crashes and Number of People Injured by Road System, 2021
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Fatal Crashes and Number of People Killed by Road System, 2021
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Crashes and Fatalities by First Harmful Event and Road System, 2021
Table 17: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Light Condition and Road System, 2021
Table 18: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month and Crash Severity, 2021
Figure 5: Percentage of Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month, 2021
Table 19: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Day of the Week and Crash Severity, 2021
Figure 6: Percentage of Alcohol-involved Crashes by Day of the Week, 2021
Table 20: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Day of the Week and Three-hour Segments, 2021
Figure 7: Percentage of Alcohol-involved Crashes by Three-hour Segments, 2021
Table 21: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour and Day of the Week, 2021
Figure 8: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour, 2021
Table 22: Alcohol-involved Crashes by First Harmful Event and Crash Severity, 2021
Table 23: Alcohol-involved Crashes by First Harmful Event (FHE), FHE Subanalysis, and Crash Severity, 2021
Table 24: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by First Harmful Event (FHE), FHE Subanalysis, and Severity of Injury, 2021
Table 25: Alcohol-involved Crashes by First Harmful Event (FHE) and FHE Subanalysis, 2017 - 2021
Table 26: Alcohol-involved Crashes by First Harmful Event Relative Direction of Travel and Crash Severity, 2021
Table 27: Alcohol-involved Crashes by First Harmful Event Manner of Impact and Crash Severity, 2021
Table 28: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Number of Vehicles Involved and Crash Severity, 2021
Table 29: People in Alcohol-involved in Crashes by Number of Vehicles Involved, 2021
Table 30: Alcohol-involved Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Crash Severity, 2021
Table 31: Alcohol-involved Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Severity of Injury, 2021
Table 32: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age, 2017 - 2021
Table 33: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age and Sex, 2021
Figure 9: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age and Sex, 2021
Table 34: Fatalities in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age and Sex, 2021
Figure 10: Fatalities in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age and Sex, 2021
Table 35: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age and Severity of Injury, 2021
Figure 11: Percentage of People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group, 2021
Table 36: Teens (15-19) in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Severity of Injury, 2021
Table 37: Alcohol-involved Teen Drivers (15-19) in Crashes by Crash Severity, 2012 - 2021
Figure 12: Alcohol-involved Teen Drivers (15-19) in Crashes, 2012 - 2021
Table 38: Alcohol-involved Teen Drivers (15-19) in Crashes by Sex, 2012 - 2021
Figure 13: Alcohol-involved Teen Drivers (15-19) in Crashes by Sex, 2012 - 2021
Table 39: Alcohol-involved Teen Drivers (15-19) in Crashes by Hour, 2021
Table 40: Young Adults (20-24) in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Severity of Injury, 2021
Table 41: Alcohol-involved Young Adult Drivers (20-24) in Crashes by Severity, 2012 - 2021
Figure 14: Alcohol-involved Young Adult Drivers (20-24) in Crashes, 2012 - 2021
Table 42: Alcohol-involved Young Adult Drivers (20-24) in Crashes by Sex, 2012 - 2021
Figure 15: Alcohol-involved Young Adult Drivers (20-24) in Crashes by Sex, 2012 - 2021
Table 43: Alcohol-involved Young Adult Drivers (20-24) in Crashes by Hour, 2021
Table 44: Alcohol-involved Motorcycle Crashes, 2021
Table 45: Alcohol-involved Motorcycle Crashes by Crash Severity, 2021
Table 46: Alcohol-involved Motorcycle Crashes, 2012 - 2021
Table 47: Top-Ranking Counties for Alcohol-involved Motorcycle Crashes, 2017 - 2021
Table 48: Alcohol-involved Motorcycle Driver Crash Rates, 2017 - 2021
Figure 16: Percentage of Alcohol-involved Motorcycle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group, 2021
Table 49: Alcohol-involved Motorcycle Drivers in Crashes by Age and Sex, 2021
Figure 17: Alcohol-involved Motorcycle Drivers in Crashes by Age and Sex, 2021
Table 50: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Pedestrian Involvement, 2021
Table 51: Alcohol-involved Pedestrian Crashes by Crash Severity, 2021
Table 52: Alcohol-involved Pedestrian Crashes, 2012 - 2021
Figure 18: Alcohol-involved Pedestrian Crashes, 2012 - 2021
Table 53: Ranking and Rates of Alcohol-involved Pedestrian Crashes by County, 2017 - 2021
Table 54: Pedestrians in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement, 2017 - 2021
Table 55: Pedestrian Fatalities in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement, 2017 - 2021
Table 56: Alcohol-involved Pedestrians in Crashes by Severity of Injury, 2017 - 2021
Figure 19: Percentage of Alcohol-involved Pedestrians in Crashes by Age, 2021
Table 57: Alcohol-involved Pedestrians in Crashes by Age and Sex, 2021
Table 58: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Pedalcycle Involvement, 2021
Table 59: Alcohol-involved Pedalcycle Crashes by Crash Severity, 2021
Table 60: Alcohol-involved Pedalcycle Crashes, 2012 - 2021
Figure 20: Alcohol-involved Pedalcycle Crashes, 2012 - 2021
Table 61: Top-Ranking Counties for Alcohol-involved Pedalcycle Crashes, 2017 - 2021
Table 62: Pedalcycle Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement, 2017 - 2021
Table 63: Alcohol-involved Pedalcycle Operators in Crashes by Age and Sex, 2021
Figure 21: Alcohol-involved Pedalcycle Operators in Crashes by Age Group, 2021
Table 64: Alcohol-involved Drivers in Crashes by Sex, 2021
Figure 22: Percentage and Rate of Alcohol-involved Drivers in Crashes by Age Group, 2021
Figure 23: Alcohol-involved Drivers in Crashes by Age and Sex, 2021
Table 65: Alcohol-involved Drivers in Crashes by Age and Sex, 2021
Figure 24: Alcohol-involved Drivers in Crashes by Age Group, 2021
Table 66: Alcohol-involved Drivers in Crashes by Age Group, 2012 - 2021
Table 67: Alcohol-involved Drivers in Crashes by License Type and Residence, 2021
Table 68: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Sex and Seat Position, 2021
Table 69: Victims of Alcohol-involved Crashes, 2021
Table 70: Unbelted Fatalities in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age and Sex, 2021
Table 71: DWI Arrests by County, 2017 - 2021
Table 72: DWI Arrests by City, 2017 - 2021
Table 73: DWI Arrests by Age and Sex, 2021
Figure 25: DWI Arrests by Age and Sex, 2021
Table 74: Number of Drivers Arrested for a DWI by Age, 2017 - 2021
Figure 26: Number of Drivers Arrested for DWI, 2017 - 2021
Table 75: DWI Convictions by County, 2017 - 2021
Table 76: Ranking and Rates of DWI Convictions by County, 2017 - 2021
Table 77: Number of Drivers with a First DWI Conviction, 2017 - 2021
Table 78: First DWI Convictions by Age and Sex, 2021
Figure 27: First DWI Convictions by Age and Sex, 2021
Table 79: Repeat DWI Convictions by County, 2017 - 2021
Table 80: Drivers Convicted of a Repeat DWI by Age, 2017 - 2021
Figure 28: Drivers Convicted of a Repeat DWI, 2017 - 2021
Table 81: Repeat DWI Convictions by Age and Sex, 2021
Figure 29: Repeat DWI Convictions by Age and Sex, 2021
Table 82: Disposition of DWI Arrests by County, 2021
Figure 30: Range of BAC Test Results in DWI Arrests, 2021
Figure 31: Number of BAC Test Refusals and Percentage of BAC Test Refusals, 2012 - 2021
Table 83: Rate Denominators: Population, Vehicle Miles Traveled, Licensed Drivers, and Motor Vehicle Registrations, 2012 - 2021
Table 84: Alcohol-involved Crash Rates, 2012 - 2021
Figure 32: Alcohol-involved Crash Rates (Population and VMT), 2012 - 2021
Table 85: Alcohol-involved Fatal Crash Rates, 2012 - 2021
Figure 33: Alcohol-involved Fatal Crash Rates (Population and VMT), 2012 - 2021
Table 86: Alcohol-involved Fatality Rates, 2012 - 2021
Figure 34: Alcohol-involved Fatality Rates (Population and VMT), 2012 - 2021
Table 87: Human Capital Cost Estimates for Alcohol-involved Crashes, 2018 Adjusted, 2021
Table 88: Comprehensive Cost Estimates for Alcohol-involved Crashes, 2018 Adjusted, 2021
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests
Table 1: Total Crashes by Crash Severity
Table 1.1: Total Alcohol-involved Crashes by Crash Severity
Figure 1: Alcohol-involved Fatal and Injury Crashes Compared to Total Fatal and Injury Crashes
Table 2: Crashes by Month
Table 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Month
Figure 2: Crashes by Hour
Figure 3: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Hour
Table 4: Total Crashes by Weekday
Table 5: Heavy Truck Crashes by Weekday
Table 6: Motorcycle-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 7: Alcohol-involved Crashes by Weekday
Table 8: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weekday
Table 9: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Weekday
Figure 4: Fatal and Injury Crashes by Hour
Figure 5: Pedestrian and Pedalcyclist (bicyclist) Crashes by Hour
Table 10: Severity of Injuries to People in Crashes by Rural and Urban Location and Alcohol Involvement
Table 11: Total Crashes by Roadway System and Crash Severity
Table 12: Total Crashes by First Harmful Event
Table 13: Vehicles in Crashes by Vehicle Type
Table 14: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Table 15: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Vehicle Type and Age Group
Figure 6: Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 7: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 16: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes
Table 17: Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 17.1: Alcohol-involved Motor Vehicle Drivers Under 21 (Ages 15-20) in Crashes by Age and Sex
Table 18: Frequency of Contributing Factors by Crash Severity
Table 19: People in Crashes by First Harmful Event and Severity of Injuries
Table 20: Killed or Injured Unbelted People in Crashes by Sex and Age Group
Figure 8: Seatbelt Use by People in Crashes with Fatal or Suspected Serious Injuries
Figure 9: People in Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Figure 10: People in Alcohol-involved Crashes by Age Group and Sex
Table 21: All Pedestrians and All Pedalcyclist (bicyclist)s in Crashes by Age Group
Table 22: All Pedestrians and Pedalcycle (bicycle) Operators in Crashes by Alcohol Involvement and Severity of Injuries
Table 23: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Belt Usage
Table 24: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Severity of Injury and Helmet Usage
Table 25: Occupants of Passenger Vehicles in Crashes by Year, Belt Usage, and Percent Killed
Table 26: Motorcyclists in Crashes by Year, Helmeted Usage, and Percent Killed
Figure 11: DWI Arrests Showing First and Repeat DWI Arrests
Figure 12: DWI Convictions Showing First and Repeat DWI Convictions
Figure 13: DWI Arrests by Hour
Table 27: DWI Arrests by Weekday
Table 28: Driver First DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 29: Driver Repeat DWI Arrests by Age Group
Table 30: Driver First DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 31: Driver Repeat DWI Convictions by Age Group
Table 32: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Table 33: Average Number of Days from Date of DWI Arrest to Date of Court Disposition
Table 34: Court Disposition of DWI Arrests
Figure 14: Court Disposition as a Percentage of DWI Arrests